06 July 2009

July 6, 2009


So this week I complete 6 months, wow. That is 1st quarter and only three left. I cannot believe how fast the time passes by and how amazing this work is.

I hope that all is well for everyone and doing ok at home in the great country of America. Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope you all had a good one.

So we are working way hard and having little success and it is kinda draining. But this last week my DL did a work visit and I went to another area and in this area it is amazing. The people all want to hear our message and the people are really great. So we were on our way to a lesson and suddenly a woman came running at us and I didn’t see her until she had a hold of my arm. She wanted to go with us to her congregation to preach to them because we have the truth. So we talked to her for a bit like 10 min and this whole time she was begging for forgiveness and was holding my arm. I then looked her in the eye and told her she had to ask God for forgiveness and leave all her sins behind and then get baptized... :) ha ha all she said was I will do it, baptize me! Wow. So we set an appointment to meet with her. I had never told a person to get baptized in a contact before; it was a super weird but a cool experience. So I don’t know what happened with her because she is not in my area but it was interesting.

So that was my week for the most part I love the jungle and the mission is great! I love you all and hope to hear from you all soon thank you all for your support! Chaufa!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

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