06 July 2009

The Pucallpa Zone Picture

This was taken on June 28, 2009. A picture like this was done from each zone in the mission and then given to the mission president. Can you find Jett and his name? Click on the image to enlarge it.

July 6, 2009


So this week I complete 6 months, wow. That is 1st quarter and only three left. I cannot believe how fast the time passes by and how amazing this work is.

I hope that all is well for everyone and doing ok at home in the great country of America. Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope you all had a good one.

So we are working way hard and having little success and it is kinda draining. But this last week my DL did a work visit and I went to another area and in this area it is amazing. The people all want to hear our message and the people are really great. So we were on our way to a lesson and suddenly a woman came running at us and I didn’t see her until she had a hold of my arm. She wanted to go with us to her congregation to preach to them because we have the truth. So we talked to her for a bit like 10 min and this whole time she was begging for forgiveness and was holding my arm. I then looked her in the eye and told her she had to ask God for forgiveness and leave all her sins behind and then get baptized... :) ha ha all she said was I will do it, baptize me! Wow. So we set an appointment to meet with her. I had never told a person to get baptized in a contact before; it was a super weird but a cool experience. So I don’t know what happened with her because she is not in my area but it was interesting.

So that was my week for the most part I love the jungle and the mission is great! I love you all and hope to hear from you all soon thank you all for your support! Chaufa!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

June 29, 2009


Somo estan todos? Espero que todos eten bien!!

So I am working my butt off here in the jungle, so so so gorgeous and so so cool!! So the work here is going ok we are struggling a bit this last week was a bit rough the numbers were not so great... So we are working through the hard times and changing our way of doing things and doing things the way the Lord would want to have them done. We have read through preach my gospel a bunch and we are starting to roll but we got to keep it going. My comp is awesome and we work so well together and teach well, united.

So after almost 6 months I am now starting to get tan a little bit but yeah I look pretty much the same... a little taller, I hope, and unfortunately a bit skinnier. Everything is going well here so I read in the Liahona this week the conference talks and the one by Elder L Tom Perry is awesome! Read it! So from this I have pulled three things really 4 that we really focus on when we teach.

We focus
1. on Jesus Christ and his atonement,
2. The Restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith,
3. The Book of Mormon, and for us missionaries in the field Baptism and confirmation.
Missionaries need so much help from the members of the church like Elder Perry said they are Teachers and the members need to look for the people who are prepared for the message. Not critiquing anyone but what are you doing to help? Think about it. In the doctrine and Covenants it teaches to open our mouths and share what we have with our BROTHERS and SISTERS. These three things that Elder Perry has taught us are what we tell the people and share. This is the work of the Lord and no one is exempt from working in it. Always look for those people and do not be afraid. God is with unto the ends of the Earth. I love you all so so so much!!!!! Thank you for everything!

Congratulations Heather!!! :) Although I am secretly hoping for a Boy still. ;) That is awesome!!! I have received your letters and will get something to you soon, i hope!

Thanks Brayden for rescuing my stick!! I love you bro!! KIA KAHA!

Braydon thanks for the thought on the letter and for your emails!! Keep em coming and just count the days now whoo!!;) Spanish is awesome!

Ben rock it out in Mexico! Espero que tengas mi carta!

Jill Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks for the support! Hope you had a Happy birthday!

Ashley keep going strong! Work hard sis and stay close to the lord!

I love you all !!!! CHAUFA!!! Elder Jett Hudson

22 June 2009

Jett's First Week in the Jungle


So I made it to the jungle! And I mean JUNGLE WHOO!!! So sweet!! So I had to take a plane for an hour to get here, I know rough, and then arrived and BOOM the heat hit me! WOW its HOT HOT HOT bueno mas que todo is the humidity sorry I do not know how to express that phrase in English :) ha ha anyway it is SO GORGEOUS here! Wow, I love it! The people here are awesome and my new companion is hilarious! It was way sad to leave my family and converts in Independencia but I have an even stronger testimony that this is the Lord´s work, I do not feel homesick and am just working. I am loving it here in the jungle and in reality it is nicer than Lima I would say, or the majority. Everyone drives motorcycles and there are no combis or taxis only motocars. Pucallpa is a city not too huge but it’s alright. It reminds me of Brigham City and Logan. But in the jungle and less advanced. So the city is like normal like Lima but smaller.
Where I love however is the jungle. It is SO SO SWEET!! We really live like in the jungle jungle and we have water all day long!! Whoo!! The room is really small but we have water all day not hot water but here you do not want hot water. It is amazing our area is HUGE and I feel so lost but I am so happy to be here in the jungle and working this great work of the Lord. Thank You all for all the love and support and keep the emails circulating please. :) I Love You all VERY VERY MUCH!!! CUIDANSE BASTANTE LOS AMO!!! Mom you got practice your Spanish! ;) haha tu phrase es ,necesito practicar mi espanol para hablar contigo. ;) haha Love You!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

PS My companion is named Elder Choc he is from Guatemala and had to learn Spanish as well he speaks an ancient language called Que´chi

PSS MarÍa de Los Angeles, cuidate bastante gracias por todo siga asistiendo leyendo y orando, estas en la verdad! Saluda el barrio Pioneros and Hermana Reyna!!! :)

15 June 2009


Pucallpa (Quechua: puka hallpa, "red earth") is a city in eastern Peru located on the banks of the Ucayali River, a major tributary of the Amazon River. It is the capital of the Ucayali region, the Coronel Portillo Province and the Calleria District.

Pucallpa was founded in the 1840s by Franciscan missionaries who settled several families of the Shipibo-Conibo ethnic group. For several decades it remained a small settlement as it was isolated from the rest of the country by the Amazon Rainforest and the Andes mountain range. From the 1880s through the 1920s a railway project to connect Pucallpa with the rest of the country v
ia the Ferrocarril Central Andino was started and dropped several time until it was finally abandoned. Pucallpa's isolation finally ended in 1945 with the completion of a highway to Lima through Tingo Maria. The highway allowed the commercialization of regional products to the rest of the country, thus improving the economic outlook of the region and its capital, Pucallpa. However, the heavy rainfalls of the Amazon Rainforest remain a problem as they erode the highway and can even cut it by causing flash floods.

Pucallpa is the only one of the low jungle cities that is easily accessibly by road, which probably explains why it has become the fastest growing city in Peru. Many people have moved to the city from the highlands, taking advantage of what they perceive to be a highly fertile area, although this mass migration has generally resulted in many shantytowns growing up on the edge of Pucallpa. The city is incredibly noisy, with mototaxis zooming around. However, activity completely stops at lunchtime, and everybody takes a siesta. The city is probably the most commercial of all the jungle towns in Peru, and there is much logging activity, some illegal.

Pucallpa receives far fewer visitors than Iquitos or Puerto Maldonado, and there are far fewer jungle tours offered here than from either of the other cities. However, the area around Pucallpa offers a good opportunity to visit native Indian communities, which are generally far more authentic than those on show in Iquitos, and nearby Yarinacocha is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Peruvian jungle. It is also possible to see wildlife in the area, including river dolphins in Yarinacocha, as well as monkeys and sloths.

June 15, 2009 Off to the Jungle

Hello Everyone!!!!

Hope you are all doing well at home and that evrything is going better for you all. Well I am off to the city Pucallpa in the jungle! I am going from cold misty damp weather to hot hot hot WET weather. Whoo! que Chevere!!!

Well I love you all and last week I sent a package home to you all with pictures and letters! Enjoy!! :)

So I now have 5 mos and 1 wk in the mission... but do not worry I am not counting the time. Solo know because I counted today. So I love you all SOOOO MUCH and am so thanbkful for all the love and support from all of you. I am sad a little bit about the transfer because we have 4 families to baptize here... and I am learning sign language here and have deaf investigators :) Sweet!!But yeah so long Lima and hello adventurous Selva. We knock doors quite a bit and I have never met and seen so many JWs in my life !!! And the catholics too whoo! This area the people are duro!! We talk to all the people in the street and all the taxi drivers and people in the combis. We are working so well with all the members here in the ward it is amazing and just as i leave!!

When we switched areas we had nothing and now we hyave a ton of people :( But hey its all good!!! I am going to learn this sign language todavia and I am going to learn an ancient language de guatemala from my new comp Elder Choc. 4 languages!! Whoo! I am excited for this new adventure and am loving the time in the mission! I love you!!!

Take care!!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

PS Love you Nate Feller Ben Jord keep up the work and cuidanse bastante!

Keep the emails circulating! chaufa!

14 June 2009

June 8, 2009

Hey Family!!

I love you all and want to thank everyone for all the love and support. Keep on writing it helps so much!! Our appts keep falling through if anyone has any suggestions let me know! So i wrote an email and the web page lost it and now i do not have a lot of time... But i love you all and thank you all for all the support. :) U have letters coming and i am still working on the pictures. Keep the faith I love you all u finish my second transfer next week! I am feeling Jungle... :) ha ha

Vamos a Ver!! I love you all!!

Elder Jett Hudson