07 February 2009

E-Mail Letter to Family - 2/4/09

From: Mark Hudson

Date: 02/04/09 07:39 pm

Hello Family! !
I see you have not e-mailed me yet. It's OK though no big deal. Well anyway since i have 1/2 hr to write an email i will write you now. So how is the family doing??thank you for all your letters!! It is hard for me to respond very promptly and often because i only get one day a week to do so, but the letters are very appreciated! It really helps so much!! i never thought a letter would make so happy in my entire life!! The recording is awesome I LOVE IT and it almost makes me cry to hear it, the music is such an awesome help and inspiration so thank you thank you thank you!!!

Well i have 2 weeks down and one to go until i am in Peru, i have a direct flight to Lima i leave at 8:55 AM and land 11:55 PM.. Woo Hoo!! what an adventure that will be!!

Here in the MTC we go to what is called the RC or the referral center. We make calls to nonmembers who have received pass along cards or who have ordered something from the church. My first time doing it was last week and it was amazing. I called what seemed like thousands of people but no one wanted to listen to what i had to say. or was not home. Finally it was time to leave .. I said a very prompt and pleading prayer for someone to listen to me! when i finished a name of a woman living in LA came up on the screen and right when my instructor said to sign off i hit dial.. bad huh? Already disobeying .. The spirit had prompted me to call her and it was incredible!! One of the first things she said was it is so glad to know that someone cares.. how sad and pleading it sounded to me, being full of the spirit and super excited i bore my testimony. She said she was glad i had called and was very interested in meeting with the missionaries. You can imagine my response. :) I quickly got some help from one of the instructors in the RC and we located a church and the number for the bishop. While talking to this woman, Roxana, she told me she had been to church a couple times back in 2006,she told me how she has just been praying and praying. I asked her why, and she said she doesn't know where her husband is and she is not in contact with her kids.. my heart broke .. I never before have felt such a strong compassion and worry for someone i didn't even know or let alone could not see. It was the spirit and how amazing of a feeling that was. I could truly feel the mantle of love for this woman and i was on fire, literally i felt so warm and fuzzy throughout my entire body, it was incredible!! i set up for her to go to the church this Sunday and gave her the number to the bishop so she could meet with the missionaries. I bore my testimony again and wished her the best, and then asked if i could call back later to see how she was doing and to share a message with her. she said yes. :) WOW what a feeling!! the spirit was so strong! I felt like i could Fly!! it was awesome and my first investigator!! It is amazing here and the spirit is so strong. Please give all my love and concern to the ENTIRE family i love you all and please keep sending letters!!! I miss you all but know that this is the best thing i could be doing and no greater work is there than that of The Lord's. i hope everything is well with all of you you are all in my prayers!


Love, Elder Jett Hudson
P.S. My e-mail is markjhudson®myldsmail.net. it is the fastest way to communicate with me, drop me a line!! I Love You!! Happy Birthday Hannah!! You are incredible and i miss you sooo much!!! your letters mean so much to me and I love you more than you could ever know. Be good and keep getting smarter! But stop that growing
thing;) Happy Birthday i hope to hear from you soon!!!

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