18 February 2009

hola familia!

Greetings from the HOT and humid; no snow here. It is beautiful and totally different being in this environmemt. Today is preparation day which is why I am writimg you:)

Troy Note: I asked Jett about when he receives letters and emails...

On the letters, I can get letters anytime but they only send them out once a week. (Pouch Mail goes out once per week) I e-mail once a week and honestly the spanish is wracking my brain so hard I dont think about much else than what is happening in the mission. Here they just throw you right into it.

I have taught two discussions a day with my companion for the last week and even have to teach one tonight! Talk about pressure and frustration woo!! I get so frustrated because I have so much to say and want to share and I just don't have the ability. It is ok. With patience, hard work and a HUGE blessing from the Lord, I know I will learn spanish. It is frustrating at the moment but I know it will pass.

Today I went to the temple here in Lima. What an experience!! We had 23 Latinos receive their endowments today!! I woke up at five and didn't get back until 2. It was amazing going through a session in spanish though. I am so glad I went to the temple as much as possible gefore I left! I understood what was happeneing and going on the whole time; I just can not pronounce any of the words. :) haha However I was lucky enough to have my companion receiving his endowment today. I was his escort. :) It was a great experience; the spirit was so strong and from the moment I saw the temple to the very end I was fighting tears. It is amazing to see the lord's work fulfilled and the people here receiving the sacred ordinances and making important commitments. The people here are incredible!! It was amazing.

Afterwards, because it took so long, we had to walk back, in the heat, in suits for 20 min. It was HOT! It was a very eye opening experience to walk through the city. I bought a bottle of water in spanish. The stores are just so different. It is such a different way of life here. So far I have eaten octopus, yes seafood, and well the rest of the menu consisits of rice and chicken and potatoes... always. It is good though. The rice is way better than anything in th US and I have not been sick!! :)

So the CCM (Peru MTC?) is great. We had a devotional last night and I had to sing in a trio a song that one of the latinos in my room wrote for everyone and a member of the 70, in spanish of course. Wow that was different. It was just a tune with words. No music or anything. It went well but everything here is just so different!

Thank you for the up date on In-n-Out! (In-N-Out is looking in to having a restaurant in Draper. http://www.sltrib.com/ci_11683841/) I wore my t-shirt last night and everyone was like, "ah! I love In-N-Out. I miss it!!" It is good to know that they are wise enough to think of their biggest fan :)

I played my first game of soccer in probably about six years. I am not too bad. In fact I even had a goal, and I even kinda like soccer... I know I said it. Well my time here is short and I have more I want to say but it will have to wait.

Thank you all for all the love and support. I love you all so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!! I hope to hear from you soon in a letter but if not there is always next week :) I love you ALL!

Much love!!

Elder Hudson

Troy Note: For those who did not know, Jett and I drove 300 miles to St George so we could eat at the In-N-Out Burger joint there. I bought him an In-N-Out Burger T-Shirt.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, In-N-Out! :) Supposedly they have the location and everything picked out. On 12300 So in Kohls. :) We're excited too! :)

    Okay, so what is this about the packages? Is he saying that if we pay everything here, etc he still has to PAY to receive it? Cause that's crap! Let me know!
