18 March 2009

Zone Leader in the CCM (MTC - Peru)

¡Hola a todos!

I am down to my last week here in The CCM in Peru!! Wow... It is so weird to be thinking that I will be in the field at this time next week. I am totally ready to get out of here and get working. It is always the same cosa, cada día, cada semana aquí. I have a lot of time here where we can ponder on other things and it makes me a bit homesick... I try to stay focused and working, there is just a lot of time. I never thought I would say that I actually miss Bountiful... (The town not the people. I knew I would miss the people) but I do!!!

This last week president Groberg’s family (Elder John H. Groberg of the First Quorum of the Seventy) came to visit and it made me miss my family (all of them :)) It sucks being reminded all the time and having time to think about it too... I miss my brothers...my sisters...my moms...I want to play with the little girls and teach them lacrosse and listen to them reading and receive drawings from them...Ha ha ha I am sure I sound pathetic. I am excited to get out and work and not have to think about what I am missing all the time. Things are pretty good here though things are always “on the up and up” (Relient K song) ;)

This last Saturday we went proselyting again. I set some goals for our companionship and we almost completed all of them. It was so good to be out and working so hard. It was also really good to have some success in the language and be able to do what I came here to do. That is what I am looking forward to everyday. That is what it is all about. :) I know as long I am trying my HARDEST that the Lord will bless and help in my times of need. I will eventually learn the language. I am a little nervous about being in the field but am anxious to be there, finally.

I am not sure when my next P-day is going to be so I am not sure when I will have time to get on [the Internet] again. I think Tuesday before I leave I can; but I do not know for sure.

With regard to the packages: they have to be small about the size of a quad.[scriptures] My mission home address:
Misión PerúLima Norté
Casilla #39-054
Lima 39

It is better (faster) to send letters straight to the mission rather than pouch, it just costs more. (92 cents for Air Mail)

I hope you are all doing well! I love You ALL very very much!! I know there are birthdays coming up for James, Rachael and Brayden and I am excited for them. Those are big ages (12,16) WOW!! I love you so much!! Have great birthdays!! It is a worthy activity on your birthday to make sure you write your brother in Peru ;) I hope all is going well for you!! Stay in touch and keep me updated on the family news!! ALL of YOU! I LOVE YOU!!

Elder Jett Hudson
P.S. The leadership curse continues... I am now the zone leader here...


11 March 2009

Spanish Spanish Spanish


Hello everyone!! Holy cow it sounds like a completely different world out there it is crazy!!!!!

Rachael is dating someone...NOT HAPPY...but I am happy for all of YOU :)

WOW!!!! I am so glad to hear about Heather!! :)

Congratulations! Heather is pregnant!

Peru is hot and my mission is soooooooo Hard!!! I now know what everyone means by it is the hardest thing they have ever done. It is killing me not knowing Spanish. I know you all thought I was a pro but the truth is I’m not. Well my companion left last week and I miss him a lot. My new companion is cool but he speaks sooooooooooooo fast!! He is from Santiago, Chile. He bugs me sometimes because it seems like he is trying really hard to be cool and make me like him but other than that it is ok. :) I am not sure how I like being the senior companion because I have no language; well very little. In retrospect I have learned soooooo much but everytime we go proselyting I feel terribly inadequate with my language.

Well not much more going on here it is pretty ‘chill’ right now. The area we went proselyting in on Saturday was way way different than my first area. It is very wealthy; well, for Peru it is. But it is very different. Well anyway the mission is fine I am getting homesick for things and have not received any letters yet but it is ok it is passing slowly. :) Spanish is a big obstacle but I know it will pass. :)
It was great hearing from all of you :) I was glad to hear things are ok and was glad to hear from MOM Feller, Feller and Grandma B. Keep the emails circulating!! Make sure they are getting to mom feller it is grinmakr@yahoo.com I think? Check on that one. Keep them going around!!

Oh and I think a great name for the new baby :) is Jett Spencer Michael Morgan :)

So it is all good here. Spanish Spanish Spanish I do not have my 'regular' (non-email)address with me but I will send it out again next week. If you have it please circulate it!!

I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all is going well for you :) stay strong and keep the faith!! :)

Love Elder Jett Hudson

04 March 2009

A Note about Letters and packages:

Everything is good here keep the encouragement coming!!

By the way it is faster to send the letters with a 92 cent stamp by air mail here but I only have three weeks left; so the mission home is the best address to use. Packages are expensive to pick up but it will be easier in the field. In three weeks send them to the mission home. :)

Love- Elder Mark J Troy Hudson III, Jett

Email - 4 March 2009

Hola Everyone!!

How is everyone doing? Wow, sounds like quite the week. More exciting than mine possibly. Well today my companion left and he is amazing!! Last night during companionship prayer he just prayed and prayed for ME. It was a special experience. He was crying and just told me how thankful he was for me and gave a letter which he wrote in English what an effort. He is a great missionary and a great friend very selfless and giving.

Today I got to tour Lima!! It was so cool. I bought a Peru soccer jersey a bag with a llama on it and a zip hoodie made from alpaca it was so sweet!! We had pizza hut today too YES!!! Well on Saturday me and Elder Nicho contacted José again and gave him a three liter bottle of water and a mandarin orange. It was so sad. He has nothing. When we saw him he was cramming leaves into his mouth because he has nothing else... you should have seen him eat that mandarin!! I think there is some confusion with José, he is a member but is inactive because of his condition. But the members of the ward there are working together to get him to church this Sunday! :)

The mission is great and I am loving it!! I got to see an ancient olive tree orchard today and we talked a lot about Jacob 5 in El Libro de Mormón. It was amazing to see the press they use for the oil. All in all it was an amazing day. We went to the beach and saw the Pacific Ocean too. It is weird to think in the summer I was swimming in the same ocean in Cali.

Anyways the mission is great and everything is awesome.

Last Friday was tough when we lost one of our missionaries. He went home because of some emotional problems but they plan on him returning. It was tough on the district, of which I am the district leader; sorry I didn’t mention that earlier :) It may change now with new districts rooms and missionaries. It has been a good experience though.

Everyone hang in there at home!! I love all of you more than you know!!! Keep the e-mails coming!! ;) I love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Elder Jett Hudson