04 March 2009

Email - 4 March 2009

Hola Everyone!!

How is everyone doing? Wow, sounds like quite the week. More exciting than mine possibly. Well today my companion left and he is amazing!! Last night during companionship prayer he just prayed and prayed for ME. It was a special experience. He was crying and just told me how thankful he was for me and gave a letter which he wrote in English what an effort. He is a great missionary and a great friend very selfless and giving.

Today I got to tour Lima!! It was so cool. I bought a Peru soccer jersey a bag with a llama on it and a zip hoodie made from alpaca it was so sweet!! We had pizza hut today too YES!!! Well on Saturday me and Elder Nicho contacted José again and gave him a three liter bottle of water and a mandarin orange. It was so sad. He has nothing. When we saw him he was cramming leaves into his mouth because he has nothing else... you should have seen him eat that mandarin!! I think there is some confusion with José, he is a member but is inactive because of his condition. But the members of the ward there are working together to get him to church this Sunday! :)

The mission is great and I am loving it!! I got to see an ancient olive tree orchard today and we talked a lot about Jacob 5 in El Libro de Mormón. It was amazing to see the press they use for the oil. All in all it was an amazing day. We went to the beach and saw the Pacific Ocean too. It is weird to think in the summer I was swimming in the same ocean in Cali.

Anyways the mission is great and everything is awesome.

Last Friday was tough when we lost one of our missionaries. He went home because of some emotional problems but they plan on him returning. It was tough on the district, of which I am the district leader; sorry I didn’t mention that earlier :) It may change now with new districts rooms and missionaries. It has been a good experience though.

Everyone hang in there at home!! I love all of you more than you know!!! Keep the e-mails coming!! ;) I love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Elder Jett Hudson

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