27 April 2009

Week of April 20


Well just when things get settled down they get stirred back up again! HAHA
So we have 3 more weeks until the next transfer and I already have a new companion. :) ha ha So my other companion had a problem in our area and got transferred on Friday… an emergency transfer. So now I am with Elder Sanchez. He also is from Guatemala and he is really cool. I actually get to teach with him. It is like we are equal now; he is awesome. We do not know the area very well, the both of us, because my other comp taught me nothing of the area so we are both learning together and it is getting better. We are struggling finding people to teach but have two baptisms coming up one on Saturday and the other on 2 May. Our goal for the mission is to have 505 Baptisms this month of May, so we are fasting together as a mission and sleeping in our baptismal clothes May 1. :) It is our act of faith; our stone like the brother of Jared. :) To reach the goal each companionship has to have 5 baptisms. We can Do It!! So on Friday we also had another baptism of Deisy, A single mom of 23. But that was the day that my companion left and was supposed to baptize her. so it was a little crazy but Elder Nilsson, the zone leader I spent the day with waiting for my new comp, got it done and I baptized Deisy. :) It is so cool to have the opportunity to baptize and preach the gospel. WOW.

So yeah, the best place to send letters and packages is to the mission home which is the package address on those cards Dad printed. That is the best. Just put my full name and mission and all that Jazz on there. Send packages through the United States Postal Service.

Mission Home Address:

Peru Lima North Mission
Carlos Salaverry 3664
Urb. Panamericana
Los Olivos
Lima Peru

Right now I am working on writing everyone letters and I am going to send it as a package to home and hope that you can distribute them all or send them on. It is $2.50 per letter to send home so this is WAY easier and cheaper. I get to call home on Mother’s Day so get excited! :) HA HA I will give more details later.
I love you all so much!! Thanks for your prayers and support.

505!! Your Elder in all of your hearts ;)

Jett Elder Hudson

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