06 April 2009



So I tried to send an email last week and it apparently did not get sent..... :( lo siento.... Well it said that I have two baptisms already, Allison and Flor Milagros. They are 11 and 9. Allison reminds me a lot of Becca. :) I can’t believe I had the chance to baptize already :) it was an amazing experience and very spiritual. I am so blessed to be a part of this work and to be having success. The Sunday after their baptism they were confirmed during sacrament meeting and to my surprise Flor wanted me to confirm her as well. WOW I was honored but unfortunately do not know Spanish… so my comp did it and I was in the circle with him and the bishop. It was still an amazing experience. Yeah that is pretty much the big stuff. I will try sending it again.

Let me know if you get any of these. Well this last week we had one more baptism and confirmation and it was awesome. He is 18 and his name is Miguel. It was so funny during his testimony after the baptism his phone rang and he apologized and pulled it out to turn it off… so we thought. He answered his phone and talked for a few minutes and then closed his testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. HAHAHA it was hilarious!! What a baptism he is a great young man. All is good here; working hard and trying my best. My Spanish is getting better, and my English is getting worse. :) HA HA but really all is great! I am a little homesick sometimes and frustrated with the language but that is when I just try harder and work harder. General conference was AMAZING I loved it. It was like Christmas. :) I hope you all watched it. Well today I am going to the center of Lima with my Zone! Should be fun! :) Well stay strong all of you!! I love you more than you will ever know! Nos Vemos! [apparently he is still near Lima... ??? I hope he tells us more about who his comp is and where he is assigned.]

Con Amor Elder Jett Hudson

PS my p-day is Monday now

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