25 May 2009

Memorial Day 2009 - Jett's Testimony

Dear Everyone!

Hello everyone!! How is everything going? I hope that everything is going ok. So this week has been much better and I have strengthened my testimony bastante! [quite a bit] I now have a much stronger testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ and His atonement and the miracle of forgiveness. I know that salvation is personal and that everything that we need to do to in this life to be happy and be saved is solo between us and the Lord; no one else. We have personas [people] that can help us here in this life to do what we need to do - leaders and such but ultimately it is between us and the Lord, nada mas. [only] We cannot hide those things that we do from the Lord and only true repentance through the atonement is it possible. So it is through the obedience to the laws that we receive the blessings and the miracle of forgiveness. Obedience to ALL the commandments is the key. God is obligated to bless us if we obey him. See DC 82:10 With the obedience that we have we receive the blessings that we need! OBEDIENCE; the one and only LAW of Heaven. Every blessing in our lives is due to obedience of the commandments. DC 130:20-21. I love you all so so so much!! And I want the best for you en serio. [seriously] Por favor obey the commandments and receive the blessings that God already has waiting for you!! Obey with meekness and work like it all depends on you and pray like it’s not, God wants to bless you and I want him to bless you, so PLEASE PORFAVOR recibenlas!!!! [I think this means 'receive or accept']

OK hope that helps someone. It’s my testimony that I know it is the most important thing and that there is so much more in store for us especially in the eternities. This life is but a small moment. Live worthy and obediently, and receive the blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for you. But beware of pride!! I was reading in the Book of Mormon and that one thing is the thing that brought down the entire civilization of the Nephites, and they were the good guys!! Be humble and rely on the Lord in all things.

Ok so this week my comp and I were teaching the mother-in-law of the bishop in one of our wards and she is 67. She is single and obeys all of the commandments even tithing but she never was baptized. My comp and I were teaching her and she told us how hard life has been and that she has always relied on the lord and wants to follow him in all things and was crying as she told us the story. The spirit was so strong and I shared a scripture in 3Ne 27:19-20 and explained the importance of baptism to her and my comp elaborated using words that I don’t have quite yet ;) and challenged her! She accepted and will be baptized if all goes well the 6 of June!!!!! It was all through the spirit and the blessing of our Father in Heaven.

I hope all is well at home I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so os so so so much!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the support!! Never quit and push through the hard times!
Thank you grandma and grandpa Place for your postcard and the toys were awesome. If you can please send more.

Thank you grandma and grandpa Blackwell for ALL your letters that I am receiving.

Thank you family for all your love and support you too Margo I love you!!

Thank you Hammon Family for the M&Ms sent from heaven they seem like and for the letters they help so so so much!!

I love you all. Take care and keep the faith!! Until next week!!! ;)

Elder JETT Hudson

18 May 2009


How is everyone doing?? I hope that everyone is doing well there at home in the beautiful United States of America. It sounds like things at home are about normal siempre [ever] chaos and destruction and kids in trouble! Ha ha Wow life is different here that is for sure! Hey good news!! My shower worked today and as a bonus I had hot water the whole time!!! :) My Pensionista [literal translation = pensioner so she is his housekeeper/cook] sends her love to the family and told me to make sure that you all know that she loves me and is grateful for the wonderful family that i have in the states. She is taking such good care of me! She feeds me a ton!! She thinks i am too skinny and because my shirts do not fit right anymore i am WAY too skinny so she is doing everything in her power to fatten me up. ha ha She calls me her Hijo or Hijito [endearing form of 'son', child or boy] ha ha she is so awesome!! It is such a different experience being in a third world country I cannot do it justice to describe it in words you just have to experience it!!

So I think Ben is really lucky that there is even one person that he found that speaks English because here there is not one!! HA ha What a difference it is!! I am loving the experience and the work is amazing!! I am trying to work harder every day, and pushing past the hard times.

Brayden keep practicing it so awesome to hear about your games!! Use your aggressiveness and feel for defense at middie and you will tear it up!! Really you have to play both sides of the ball. You may be like me one day ;) (if you’re lucky) I hope everyone else doing awesome in their plays and whatever other activities there are with cheer and all that! I love you all Very much!! The package that grandma place sent was awesome!! I NEED MORE TOYS!! :) Hahaha the kids love them! I love you all with all my heart!!! Keep the faith and Never Give up!!! Les Amo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

PS Thanks for including me in your letter Ben!(NOT) I love you! Stay safe and do not get La Gripe Porcina!!! [Swine Flu]

12 May 2009


[Family Note: Jett called us on Mother’s Day and we talked for about one hour. Want to hear his voice?]

It was awesome to hear from EVERYONE yesterday!!! Wow it is so great that everything is going so well there at home. The Lord truly has blessed us so much. I love you all very much!!!! The Baptism Saturday was awesome and it was such an honor for me to be able to baptize Christell.

Sorry about the Spanish thing I am sure I sounded retarded a bit but really I do not speak English hardly at all so I am kind of forgetting how to speak it!! hahaha Wow can you believe I am already in my second change [no he is NOT experiencing the “Change” but rather it is his English word for transfer] and 4 months out. There is a question mark at the end of that but this keyboard doesn’t have one or smiley faces so there are no emotions in this email either. haha

[We asked about sending things to him. What can we send and what should we not send. He told us on the phone that using the Pouch Mail “sucks”. He said to send things direct to the mission home using the post office.] The reason that you do not send electronics is that it has to go through customs and anything nice or new like that you have to pay a TON of money to get it out, for this you can’t send them through the mail. The other services you have to pay HUGE taxes to get them out as well and the mission won’t pay it so it will just get sent back.

So it is all good here in Lima where I will be for the next 6 weeks minimo. So you all better start studying your Spanish so we can communicate when I get home I am sure by the end of two years it will be even worse.. hahahaha

So this P-day we are going to play futbol... hmm I still do not know how I really feel about the whole soccer thing. but hey I am in South America so it’s not like I have a choice! ha ha I am beginning to learn Patience but am slow to learn it. Latinos are so so slow and late for everything! haha I will learn eventually. Well I hope all is going for everyone! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Elder Jett Hudson

PS Feller hang in there I promise you that you will find one person this month to teach and accept this message. Work and with Faith! I know you will do it. I love you!

[Margo, do you send on any of this info to Jon? Email me your email address, please: MTroyHudson@gmail.com]

08 May 2009

Week of May 4


Como esta!? Wow I am finishing my first transfer here in the zone Independencia in Lima Peru. I have had some awesome experiences and it seems like the lord has heard the prayers and knows what our goal for the month is. (505 baptisms for the mission; 5 per companionship) We have found so many people that have been prepared to receive this gospel. First things first I am staying in this zone for at least another transfer and my new companion is coming from the jungle so I will be waiting for a bit to receive him. My companion Elder Sanchez is going to Iquitos (the jungle) and all of my comps including the one i will be receiving Wednesday have been District Leaders so I am learning A TON!!!

So this Sunday was bien especial. It was fast and testimony as it was the first Sunday of the month. This Sunday we had un monton (an awful lot) of investigators in the capilla (church) and one of our investigators bore her testimony!!!!! :) Casi lloraba yo (I almost cried)... It was amazing to hear her testimony and how she knows the church is true. She is an incredible person and wow her testimony was awesome!! She is going to be baptized the 23 of May. It was set for the 16th but it is Stake Conference here... so 23rd, but the best part of this meeting was that we have found a family (by knocking their door) that is very interested and they are the best!! They have lost their daughter of 1 yr old about 1 yr ago and they surely have been prepared to hear the message. Anyway they came to church on Sunday and listened to all the testimonies and in particular the testimony of Maria de Los Angeles. It is amazing the Lord has prepared soooo many people for us and through our faith and hard work we will find more people and more souls to bring unto Christ.

Thank you Ben and Feller for your thoughts they always help me to improve, you have always been my examples, not much has changed. Keep working and Never lose the faith I know there are people prepared for you and for the message of the gospel that you carry. With obedience comes blessings.

Everyone be praying for Nate he might have broke his back.

I love you all so so so so so so so Much!!!! Hope all is well thank you all for your prayers and support I am so blessed to have a FAMILY like you. :) Oh this Sunday is Mother’s Day!!!! Happy Mother’s Day to my MOMS!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!! Specifically to MY mom I will be able to call home this Sunday probably more in the afternoon evening so have your phone at the ready DAD!! :) Can’t wait to talk to you!! I love you. You are all in my prayers. :)

Love The Best Looking Gringo... in Peru (get upset Ben)

Elder Jett Hudson

PS Ben espero que estes tan feliz y estes trabajondo bien duro. No te preocupes hay personas son preparados para tu. NEVER QUIT This is to Feller too ;)
Elder Jett Hudson

How is everyone doing? Hope it is all ok. Life is good here. Hope that all are receiving my emails. Well I did receive a package on Friday from Grandma Place!!! :) thank you!! I love the candy and the missionaries in my zone love the toys ;) hahaha

Wow almost four months now crazy!! Not much time left to work in this amazing work... I had a dream last night that my mission was over and I was going home and I felt awful like I was dying. I felt there was so much more that I needed to do and more people to help. It was such a strange feeling.. When I woke up it was a new day I realized it was only a dream y todavia yo falto 20 meses (and I still have 20 months) but I am keeping the resolve that I have little time and to kick it into gear!! :)

I love you all so so so so much and you are all always in my prayers!! :) Keep me updated with mission calls and farewells and the fam!

Love Your Favorite Elder!!!