18 May 2009


How is everyone doing?? I hope that everyone is doing well there at home in the beautiful United States of America. It sounds like things at home are about normal siempre [ever] chaos and destruction and kids in trouble! Ha ha Wow life is different here that is for sure! Hey good news!! My shower worked today and as a bonus I had hot water the whole time!!! :) My Pensionista [literal translation = pensioner so she is his housekeeper/cook] sends her love to the family and told me to make sure that you all know that she loves me and is grateful for the wonderful family that i have in the states. She is taking such good care of me! She feeds me a ton!! She thinks i am too skinny and because my shirts do not fit right anymore i am WAY too skinny so she is doing everything in her power to fatten me up. ha ha She calls me her Hijo or Hijito [endearing form of 'son', child or boy] ha ha she is so awesome!! It is such a different experience being in a third world country I cannot do it justice to describe it in words you just have to experience it!!

So I think Ben is really lucky that there is even one person that he found that speaks English because here there is not one!! HA ha What a difference it is!! I am loving the experience and the work is amazing!! I am trying to work harder every day, and pushing past the hard times.

Brayden keep practicing it so awesome to hear about your games!! Use your aggressiveness and feel for defense at middie and you will tear it up!! Really you have to play both sides of the ball. You may be like me one day ;) (if you’re lucky) I hope everyone else doing awesome in their plays and whatever other activities there are with cheer and all that! I love you all Very much!! The package that grandma place sent was awesome!! I NEED MORE TOYS!! :) Hahaha the kids love them! I love you all with all my heart!!! Keep the faith and Never Give up!!! Les Amo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

PS Thanks for including me in your letter Ben!(NOT) I love you! Stay safe and do not get La Gripe Porcina!!! [Swine Flu]

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