06 July 2009

The Pucallpa Zone Picture

This was taken on June 28, 2009. A picture like this was done from each zone in the mission and then given to the mission president. Can you find Jett and his name? Click on the image to enlarge it.

July 6, 2009


So this week I complete 6 months, wow. That is 1st quarter and only three left. I cannot believe how fast the time passes by and how amazing this work is.

I hope that all is well for everyone and doing ok at home in the great country of America. Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope you all had a good one.

So we are working way hard and having little success and it is kinda draining. But this last week my DL did a work visit and I went to another area and in this area it is amazing. The people all want to hear our message and the people are really great. So we were on our way to a lesson and suddenly a woman came running at us and I didn’t see her until she had a hold of my arm. She wanted to go with us to her congregation to preach to them because we have the truth. So we talked to her for a bit like 10 min and this whole time she was begging for forgiveness and was holding my arm. I then looked her in the eye and told her she had to ask God for forgiveness and leave all her sins behind and then get baptized... :) ha ha all she said was I will do it, baptize me! Wow. So we set an appointment to meet with her. I had never told a person to get baptized in a contact before; it was a super weird but a cool experience. So I don’t know what happened with her because she is not in my area but it was interesting.

So that was my week for the most part I love the jungle and the mission is great! I love you all and hope to hear from you all soon thank you all for your support! Chaufa!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

June 29, 2009


Somo estan todos? Espero que todos eten bien!!

So I am working my butt off here in the jungle, so so so gorgeous and so so cool!! So the work here is going ok we are struggling a bit this last week was a bit rough the numbers were not so great... So we are working through the hard times and changing our way of doing things and doing things the way the Lord would want to have them done. We have read through preach my gospel a bunch and we are starting to roll but we got to keep it going. My comp is awesome and we work so well together and teach well, united.

So after almost 6 months I am now starting to get tan a little bit but yeah I look pretty much the same... a little taller, I hope, and unfortunately a bit skinnier. Everything is going well here so I read in the Liahona this week the conference talks and the one by Elder L Tom Perry is awesome! Read it! So from this I have pulled three things really 4 that we really focus on when we teach.

We focus
1. on Jesus Christ and his atonement,
2. The Restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith,
3. The Book of Mormon, and for us missionaries in the field Baptism and confirmation.
Missionaries need so much help from the members of the church like Elder Perry said they are Teachers and the members need to look for the people who are prepared for the message. Not critiquing anyone but what are you doing to help? Think about it. In the doctrine and Covenants it teaches to open our mouths and share what we have with our BROTHERS and SISTERS. These three things that Elder Perry has taught us are what we tell the people and share. This is the work of the Lord and no one is exempt from working in it. Always look for those people and do not be afraid. God is with unto the ends of the Earth. I love you all so so so much!!!!! Thank you for everything!

Congratulations Heather!!! :) Although I am secretly hoping for a Boy still. ;) That is awesome!!! I have received your letters and will get something to you soon, i hope!

Thanks Brayden for rescuing my stick!! I love you bro!! KIA KAHA!

Braydon thanks for the thought on the letter and for your emails!! Keep em coming and just count the days now whoo!!;) Spanish is awesome!

Ben rock it out in Mexico! Espero que tengas mi carta!

Jill Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks for the support! Hope you had a Happy birthday!

Ashley keep going strong! Work hard sis and stay close to the lord!

I love you all !!!! CHAUFA!!! Elder Jett Hudson

22 June 2009

Jett's First Week in the Jungle


So I made it to the jungle! And I mean JUNGLE WHOO!!! So sweet!! So I had to take a plane for an hour to get here, I know rough, and then arrived and BOOM the heat hit me! WOW its HOT HOT HOT bueno mas que todo is the humidity sorry I do not know how to express that phrase in English :) ha ha anyway it is SO GORGEOUS here! Wow, I love it! The people here are awesome and my new companion is hilarious! It was way sad to leave my family and converts in Independencia but I have an even stronger testimony that this is the Lord´s work, I do not feel homesick and am just working. I am loving it here in the jungle and in reality it is nicer than Lima I would say, or the majority. Everyone drives motorcycles and there are no combis or taxis only motocars. Pucallpa is a city not too huge but it’s alright. It reminds me of Brigham City and Logan. But in the jungle and less advanced. So the city is like normal like Lima but smaller.
Where I love however is the jungle. It is SO SO SWEET!! We really live like in the jungle jungle and we have water all day long!! Whoo!! The room is really small but we have water all day not hot water but here you do not want hot water. It is amazing our area is HUGE and I feel so lost but I am so happy to be here in the jungle and working this great work of the Lord. Thank You all for all the love and support and keep the emails circulating please. :) I Love You all VERY VERY MUCH!!! CUIDANSE BASTANTE LOS AMO!!! Mom you got practice your Spanish! ;) haha tu phrase es ,necesito practicar mi espanol para hablar contigo. ;) haha Love You!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

PS My companion is named Elder Choc he is from Guatemala and had to learn Spanish as well he speaks an ancient language called Que´chi

PSS MarÍa de Los Angeles, cuidate bastante gracias por todo siga asistiendo leyendo y orando, estas en la verdad! Saluda el barrio Pioneros and Hermana Reyna!!! :)

15 June 2009


Pucallpa (Quechua: puka hallpa, "red earth") is a city in eastern Peru located on the banks of the Ucayali River, a major tributary of the Amazon River. It is the capital of the Ucayali region, the Coronel Portillo Province and the Calleria District.

Pucallpa was founded in the 1840s by Franciscan missionaries who settled several families of the Shipibo-Conibo ethnic group. For several decades it remained a small settlement as it was isolated from the rest of the country by the Amazon Rainforest and the Andes mountain range. From the 1880s through the 1920s a railway project to connect Pucallpa with the rest of the country v
ia the Ferrocarril Central Andino was started and dropped several time until it was finally abandoned. Pucallpa's isolation finally ended in 1945 with the completion of a highway to Lima through Tingo Maria. The highway allowed the commercialization of regional products to the rest of the country, thus improving the economic outlook of the region and its capital, Pucallpa. However, the heavy rainfalls of the Amazon Rainforest remain a problem as they erode the highway and can even cut it by causing flash floods.

Pucallpa is the only one of the low jungle cities that is easily accessibly by road, which probably explains why it has become the fastest growing city in Peru. Many people have moved to the city from the highlands, taking advantage of what they perceive to be a highly fertile area, although this mass migration has generally resulted in many shantytowns growing up on the edge of Pucallpa. The city is incredibly noisy, with mototaxis zooming around. However, activity completely stops at lunchtime, and everybody takes a siesta. The city is probably the most commercial of all the jungle towns in Peru, and there is much logging activity, some illegal.

Pucallpa receives far fewer visitors than Iquitos or Puerto Maldonado, and there are far fewer jungle tours offered here than from either of the other cities. However, the area around Pucallpa offers a good opportunity to visit native Indian communities, which are generally far more authentic than those on show in Iquitos, and nearby Yarinacocha is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Peruvian jungle. It is also possible to see wildlife in the area, including river dolphins in Yarinacocha, as well as monkeys and sloths.

June 15, 2009 Off to the Jungle

Hello Everyone!!!!

Hope you are all doing well at home and that evrything is going better for you all. Well I am off to the city Pucallpa in the jungle! I am going from cold misty damp weather to hot hot hot WET weather. Whoo! que Chevere!!!

Well I love you all and last week I sent a package home to you all with pictures and letters! Enjoy!! :)

So I now have 5 mos and 1 wk in the mission... but do not worry I am not counting the time. Solo know because I counted today. So I love you all SOOOO MUCH and am so thanbkful for all the love and support from all of you. I am sad a little bit about the transfer because we have 4 families to baptize here... and I am learning sign language here and have deaf investigators :) Sweet!!But yeah so long Lima and hello adventurous Selva. We knock doors quite a bit and I have never met and seen so many JWs in my life !!! And the catholics too whoo! This area the people are duro!! We talk to all the people in the street and all the taxi drivers and people in the combis. We are working so well with all the members here in the ward it is amazing and just as i leave!!

When we switched areas we had nothing and now we hyave a ton of people :( But hey its all good!!! I am going to learn this sign language todavia and I am going to learn an ancient language de guatemala from my new comp Elder Choc. 4 languages!! Whoo! I am excited for this new adventure and am loving the time in the mission! I love you!!!

Take care!!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

PS Love you Nate Feller Ben Jord keep up the work and cuidanse bastante!

Keep the emails circulating! chaufa!

14 June 2009

June 8, 2009

Hey Family!!

I love you all and want to thank everyone for all the love and support. Keep on writing it helps so much!! Our appts keep falling through if anyone has any suggestions let me know! So i wrote an email and the web page lost it and now i do not have a lot of time... But i love you all and thank you all for all the support. :) U have letters coming and i am still working on the pictures. Keep the faith I love you all u finish my second transfer next week! I am feeling Jungle... :) ha ha

Vamos a Ver!! I love you all!!

Elder Jett Hudson

04 June 2009

June 3

Hey Everyone!

Hello all you! How is everything going for you? I’m sorry to all for not writing letters but there really is no time here. I cannot begin to tell how frustrated I have been lately. So I am sorry for not getting you all letters but sincerely and truthfully love you ALL. I’m still trying to find a place to get pictures and send some stuff all your way. Sorry I don’t live in a technology advanced place. :)

So this last week we had a baptism! Her name is Daisy and she is awesome!! A good convert that won’t go inactive! WHOO!! There 300 members that are inactive in the two wards I have or had. So it’s good to have buenos conversos. [good converts] :)

So in the last two weeks I have also eaten cau cau, which is pronounced COW COW and rightfully so; it is cow stomach... which is not all that bad but it’s super chewy and it has like hair like things on it... ha ha but yeh its all good here you wouldn’t believe what they eat or what is like here WOW are we blessed!!!

So every three weeks I seem to have something new or exciting happen. I have changed companions every three weeks until now but this week I received two new missionaries in our apartment. Now there are four of us. Three Latinos and me. Should be interesting. Went to the temple today, still trying to get that down in Spanish! WHOO.

Thank you all so much for all the love and support for everything.... I love you ALL! Please keep writing and emailing. I am working on the letters todavia [still] and the pictures. I LOVE YOU ALL!! LOS AMO BASTANTE!!! CUIDASE MUCHO!! [not sure what this translates to. Something about love a lot :) ]

Elder JETT Hudson

25 May 2009

Memorial Day 2009 - Jett's Testimony

Dear Everyone!

Hello everyone!! How is everything going? I hope that everything is going ok. So this week has been much better and I have strengthened my testimony bastante! [quite a bit] I now have a much stronger testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ and His atonement and the miracle of forgiveness. I know that salvation is personal and that everything that we need to do to in this life to be happy and be saved is solo between us and the Lord; no one else. We have personas [people] that can help us here in this life to do what we need to do - leaders and such but ultimately it is between us and the Lord, nada mas. [only] We cannot hide those things that we do from the Lord and only true repentance through the atonement is it possible. So it is through the obedience to the laws that we receive the blessings and the miracle of forgiveness. Obedience to ALL the commandments is the key. God is obligated to bless us if we obey him. See DC 82:10 With the obedience that we have we receive the blessings that we need! OBEDIENCE; the one and only LAW of Heaven. Every blessing in our lives is due to obedience of the commandments. DC 130:20-21. I love you all so so so much!! And I want the best for you en serio. [seriously] Por favor obey the commandments and receive the blessings that God already has waiting for you!! Obey with meekness and work like it all depends on you and pray like it’s not, God wants to bless you and I want him to bless you, so PLEASE PORFAVOR recibenlas!!!! [I think this means 'receive or accept']

OK hope that helps someone. It’s my testimony that I know it is the most important thing and that there is so much more in store for us especially in the eternities. This life is but a small moment. Live worthy and obediently, and receive the blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for you. But beware of pride!! I was reading in the Book of Mormon and that one thing is the thing that brought down the entire civilization of the Nephites, and they were the good guys!! Be humble and rely on the Lord in all things.

Ok so this week my comp and I were teaching the mother-in-law of the bishop in one of our wards and she is 67. She is single and obeys all of the commandments even tithing but she never was baptized. My comp and I were teaching her and she told us how hard life has been and that she has always relied on the lord and wants to follow him in all things and was crying as she told us the story. The spirit was so strong and I shared a scripture in 3Ne 27:19-20 and explained the importance of baptism to her and my comp elaborated using words that I don’t have quite yet ;) and challenged her! She accepted and will be baptized if all goes well the 6 of June!!!!! It was all through the spirit and the blessing of our Father in Heaven.

I hope all is well at home I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so os so so so much!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the support!! Never quit and push through the hard times!
Thank you grandma and grandpa Place for your postcard and the toys were awesome. If you can please send more.

Thank you grandma and grandpa Blackwell for ALL your letters that I am receiving.

Thank you family for all your love and support you too Margo I love you!!

Thank you Hammon Family for the M&Ms sent from heaven they seem like and for the letters they help so so so much!!

I love you all. Take care and keep the faith!! Until next week!!! ;)

Elder JETT Hudson

18 May 2009


How is everyone doing?? I hope that everyone is doing well there at home in the beautiful United States of America. It sounds like things at home are about normal siempre [ever] chaos and destruction and kids in trouble! Ha ha Wow life is different here that is for sure! Hey good news!! My shower worked today and as a bonus I had hot water the whole time!!! :) My Pensionista [literal translation = pensioner so she is his housekeeper/cook] sends her love to the family and told me to make sure that you all know that she loves me and is grateful for the wonderful family that i have in the states. She is taking such good care of me! She feeds me a ton!! She thinks i am too skinny and because my shirts do not fit right anymore i am WAY too skinny so she is doing everything in her power to fatten me up. ha ha She calls me her Hijo or Hijito [endearing form of 'son', child or boy] ha ha she is so awesome!! It is such a different experience being in a third world country I cannot do it justice to describe it in words you just have to experience it!!

So I think Ben is really lucky that there is even one person that he found that speaks English because here there is not one!! HA ha What a difference it is!! I am loving the experience and the work is amazing!! I am trying to work harder every day, and pushing past the hard times.

Brayden keep practicing it so awesome to hear about your games!! Use your aggressiveness and feel for defense at middie and you will tear it up!! Really you have to play both sides of the ball. You may be like me one day ;) (if you’re lucky) I hope everyone else doing awesome in their plays and whatever other activities there are with cheer and all that! I love you all Very much!! The package that grandma place sent was awesome!! I NEED MORE TOYS!! :) Hahaha the kids love them! I love you all with all my heart!!! Keep the faith and Never Give up!!! Les Amo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Elder Jett Hudson

PS Thanks for including me in your letter Ben!(NOT) I love you! Stay safe and do not get La Gripe Porcina!!! [Swine Flu]

12 May 2009


[Family Note: Jett called us on Mother’s Day and we talked for about one hour. Want to hear his voice?]

It was awesome to hear from EVERYONE yesterday!!! Wow it is so great that everything is going so well there at home. The Lord truly has blessed us so much. I love you all very much!!!! The Baptism Saturday was awesome and it was such an honor for me to be able to baptize Christell.

Sorry about the Spanish thing I am sure I sounded retarded a bit but really I do not speak English hardly at all so I am kind of forgetting how to speak it!! hahaha Wow can you believe I am already in my second change [no he is NOT experiencing the “Change” but rather it is his English word for transfer] and 4 months out. There is a question mark at the end of that but this keyboard doesn’t have one or smiley faces so there are no emotions in this email either. haha

[We asked about sending things to him. What can we send and what should we not send. He told us on the phone that using the Pouch Mail “sucks”. He said to send things direct to the mission home using the post office.] The reason that you do not send electronics is that it has to go through customs and anything nice or new like that you have to pay a TON of money to get it out, for this you can’t send them through the mail. The other services you have to pay HUGE taxes to get them out as well and the mission won’t pay it so it will just get sent back.

So it is all good here in Lima where I will be for the next 6 weeks minimo. So you all better start studying your Spanish so we can communicate when I get home I am sure by the end of two years it will be even worse.. hahahaha

So this P-day we are going to play futbol... hmm I still do not know how I really feel about the whole soccer thing. but hey I am in South America so it’s not like I have a choice! ha ha I am beginning to learn Patience but am slow to learn it. Latinos are so so slow and late for everything! haha I will learn eventually. Well I hope all is going for everyone! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Elder Jett Hudson

PS Feller hang in there I promise you that you will find one person this month to teach and accept this message. Work and with Faith! I know you will do it. I love you!

[Margo, do you send on any of this info to Jon? Email me your email address, please: MTroyHudson@gmail.com]

08 May 2009

Week of May 4


Como esta!? Wow I am finishing my first transfer here in the zone Independencia in Lima Peru. I have had some awesome experiences and it seems like the lord has heard the prayers and knows what our goal for the month is. (505 baptisms for the mission; 5 per companionship) We have found so many people that have been prepared to receive this gospel. First things first I am staying in this zone for at least another transfer and my new companion is coming from the jungle so I will be waiting for a bit to receive him. My companion Elder Sanchez is going to Iquitos (the jungle) and all of my comps including the one i will be receiving Wednesday have been District Leaders so I am learning A TON!!!

So this Sunday was bien especial. It was fast and testimony as it was the first Sunday of the month. This Sunday we had un monton (an awful lot) of investigators in the capilla (church) and one of our investigators bore her testimony!!!!! :) Casi lloraba yo (I almost cried)... It was amazing to hear her testimony and how she knows the church is true. She is an incredible person and wow her testimony was awesome!! She is going to be baptized the 23 of May. It was set for the 16th but it is Stake Conference here... so 23rd, but the best part of this meeting was that we have found a family (by knocking their door) that is very interested and they are the best!! They have lost their daughter of 1 yr old about 1 yr ago and they surely have been prepared to hear the message. Anyway they came to church on Sunday and listened to all the testimonies and in particular the testimony of Maria de Los Angeles. It is amazing the Lord has prepared soooo many people for us and through our faith and hard work we will find more people and more souls to bring unto Christ.

Thank you Ben and Feller for your thoughts they always help me to improve, you have always been my examples, not much has changed. Keep working and Never lose the faith I know there are people prepared for you and for the message of the gospel that you carry. With obedience comes blessings.

Everyone be praying for Nate he might have broke his back.

I love you all so so so so so so so Much!!!! Hope all is well thank you all for your prayers and support I am so blessed to have a FAMILY like you. :) Oh this Sunday is Mother’s Day!!!! Happy Mother’s Day to my MOMS!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!! Specifically to MY mom I will be able to call home this Sunday probably more in the afternoon evening so have your phone at the ready DAD!! :) Can’t wait to talk to you!! I love you. You are all in my prayers. :)

Love The Best Looking Gringo... in Peru (get upset Ben)

Elder Jett Hudson

PS Ben espero que estes tan feliz y estes trabajondo bien duro. No te preocupes hay personas son preparados para tu. NEVER QUIT This is to Feller too ;)
Elder Jett Hudson

How is everyone doing? Hope it is all ok. Life is good here. Hope that all are receiving my emails. Well I did receive a package on Friday from Grandma Place!!! :) thank you!! I love the candy and the missionaries in my zone love the toys ;) hahaha

Wow almost four months now crazy!! Not much time left to work in this amazing work... I had a dream last night that my mission was over and I was going home and I felt awful like I was dying. I felt there was so much more that I needed to do and more people to help. It was such a strange feeling.. When I woke up it was a new day I realized it was only a dream y todavia yo falto 20 meses (and I still have 20 months) but I am keeping the resolve that I have little time and to kick it into gear!! :)

I love you all so so so so much and you are all always in my prayers!! :) Keep me updated with mission calls and farewells and the fam!

Love Your Favorite Elder!!!

27 April 2009

Week of April 27


Wow! Everything sounds like it is on the up and up!! (Relient K)
Well anyways I am glad to hear things are getting better!

Oh news to Brayden! That is awesome! and with permission you can use my [LaCrosse]stick in Heather’s house but with care! Cuidado porfavor! [translation: Please be careful!]

[NOTE: Brayden is on the Woods Cross LaCrosse team (grades 5 & 6). He kicked butt on
Saturday scoring twice and one assist.]

So this week was OK. We are really trying to find people to teach right now and walking like crazy! I have no trouble sleeping, with the help of my earplugs :) but yeah I ate something interesting the other day.. It was in my soup and it is called Malleja. It translates to be gizzard... :( HAHAHA It was not bad but for those who don’t know the gizzard is like the garbage valve of your intestines.... GROSS!!

We also almost got mauled by an insane and absolutely ridiculously scary PitBull.. WOW!! It was total body in the air jumping at me and everything, luckily there was a chain. :) But freaking scary nonetheless. We had a baptism Saturday, but the one to be baptized did not show up and apparently won’t be baptized for a bit. He does not want problems with his family which is tough and it hit me hard; I was crying a bit... it is so sad that the traditions of their fathers keep the people here from receiving the ordinances of salvation. Anyways we are going to work on it.

All is good here. Not much time. Super busy! I love you all and you are all in my prayers!! Keep the faith and work work work!!

Love Jett Hudson Elder Hudson

PS An English hymn book would be so so so sweet!! :)

Week of April 20


Well just when things get settled down they get stirred back up again! HAHA
So we have 3 more weeks until the next transfer and I already have a new companion. :) ha ha So my other companion had a problem in our area and got transferred on Friday… an emergency transfer. So now I am with Elder Sanchez. He also is from Guatemala and he is really cool. I actually get to teach with him. It is like we are equal now; he is awesome. We do not know the area very well, the both of us, because my other comp taught me nothing of the area so we are both learning together and it is getting better. We are struggling finding people to teach but have two baptisms coming up one on Saturday and the other on 2 May. Our goal for the mission is to have 505 Baptisms this month of May, so we are fasting together as a mission and sleeping in our baptismal clothes May 1. :) It is our act of faith; our stone like the brother of Jared. :) To reach the goal each companionship has to have 5 baptisms. We can Do It!! So on Friday we also had another baptism of Deisy, A single mom of 23. But that was the day that my companion left and was supposed to baptize her. so it was a little crazy but Elder Nilsson, the zone leader I spent the day with waiting for my new comp, got it done and I baptized Deisy. :) It is so cool to have the opportunity to baptize and preach the gospel. WOW.

So yeah, the best place to send letters and packages is to the mission home which is the package address on those cards Dad printed. That is the best. Just put my full name and mission and all that Jazz on there. Send packages through the United States Postal Service.

Mission Home Address:

Peru Lima North Mission
Carlos Salaverry 3664
Urb. Panamericana
Los Olivos
Lima Peru

Right now I am working on writing everyone letters and I am going to send it as a package to home and hope that you can distribute them all or send them on. It is $2.50 per letter to send home so this is WAY easier and cheaper. I get to call home on Mother’s Day so get excited! :) HA HA I will give more details later.
I love you all so much!! Thanks for your prayers and support.

505!! Your Elder in all of your hearts ;)

Jett Elder Hudson

13 April 2009

Week of April 13


Wow sounds like everything is going great there in Bountiful! Sounds like you guys have not got my emails. Well I am in Lima and my trainer is awesome; his name is Elder Miranda and is from Guatemala. We have had 4 baptisms and I have done two of them. We have three more dates coming up soon. Life is crazy here; the food is always a surprise. HAHA I hope all is well at home I love you all so so so much!! I hope that you are all getting my emails now and staying in the loop and know where to send my letters and such. If not let me know and I will send it next week. I love you so much!! It is so hard here to be doing this work and be so far from home but I know it is the right the thing. I pray for you ALL every day and want nothing but the best for you all give EVERYONE my LOVE and stay in touch!!

Elder Jett Hudson :)

06 April 2009



So I tried to send an email last week and it apparently did not get sent..... :( lo siento.... Well it said that I have two baptisms already, Allison and Flor Milagros. They are 11 and 9. Allison reminds me a lot of Becca. :) I can’t believe I had the chance to baptize already :) it was an amazing experience and very spiritual. I am so blessed to be a part of this work and to be having success. The Sunday after their baptism they were confirmed during sacrament meeting and to my surprise Flor wanted me to confirm her as well. WOW I was honored but unfortunately do not know Spanish… so my comp did it and I was in the circle with him and the bishop. It was still an amazing experience. Yeah that is pretty much the big stuff. I will try sending it again.

Let me know if you get any of these. Well this last week we had one more baptism and confirmation and it was awesome. He is 18 and his name is Miguel. It was so funny during his testimony after the baptism his phone rang and he apologized and pulled it out to turn it off… so we thought. He answered his phone and talked for a few minutes and then closed his testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. HAHAHA it was hilarious!! What a baptism he is a great young man. All is good here; working hard and trying my best. My Spanish is getting better, and my English is getting worse. :) HA HA but really all is great! I am a little homesick sometimes and frustrated with the language but that is when I just try harder and work harder. General conference was AMAZING I loved it. It was like Christmas. :) I hope you all watched it. Well today I am going to the center of Lima with my Zone! Should be fun! :) Well stay strong all of you!! I love you more than you will ever know! Nos Vemos! [apparently he is still near Lima... ??? I hope he tells us more about who his comp is and where he is assigned.]

Con Amor Elder Jett Hudson

PS my p-day is Monday now

18 March 2009

Zone Leader in the CCM (MTC - Peru)

¡Hola a todos!

I am down to my last week here in The CCM in Peru!! Wow... It is so weird to be thinking that I will be in the field at this time next week. I am totally ready to get out of here and get working. It is always the same cosa, cada día, cada semana aquí. I have a lot of time here where we can ponder on other things and it makes me a bit homesick... I try to stay focused and working, there is just a lot of time. I never thought I would say that I actually miss Bountiful... (The town not the people. I knew I would miss the people) but I do!!!

This last week president Groberg’s family (Elder John H. Groberg of the First Quorum of the Seventy) came to visit and it made me miss my family (all of them :)) It sucks being reminded all the time and having time to think about it too... I miss my brothers...my sisters...my moms...I want to play with the little girls and teach them lacrosse and listen to them reading and receive drawings from them...Ha ha ha I am sure I sound pathetic. I am excited to get out and work and not have to think about what I am missing all the time. Things are pretty good here though things are always “on the up and up” (Relient K song) ;)

This last Saturday we went proselyting again. I set some goals for our companionship and we almost completed all of them. It was so good to be out and working so hard. It was also really good to have some success in the language and be able to do what I came here to do. That is what I am looking forward to everyday. That is what it is all about. :) I know as long I am trying my HARDEST that the Lord will bless and help in my times of need. I will eventually learn the language. I am a little nervous about being in the field but am anxious to be there, finally.

I am not sure when my next P-day is going to be so I am not sure when I will have time to get on [the Internet] again. I think Tuesday before I leave I can; but I do not know for sure.

With regard to the packages: they have to be small about the size of a quad.[scriptures] My mission home address:
Misión PerúLima Norté
Casilla #39-054
Lima 39

It is better (faster) to send letters straight to the mission rather than pouch, it just costs more. (92 cents for Air Mail)

I hope you are all doing well! I love You ALL very very much!! I know there are birthdays coming up for James, Rachael and Brayden and I am excited for them. Those are big ages (12,16) WOW!! I love you so much!! Have great birthdays!! It is a worthy activity on your birthday to make sure you write your brother in Peru ;) I hope all is going well for you!! Stay in touch and keep me updated on the family news!! ALL of YOU! I LOVE YOU!!

Elder Jett Hudson
P.S. The leadership curse continues... I am now the zone leader here...


11 March 2009

Spanish Spanish Spanish


Hello everyone!! Holy cow it sounds like a completely different world out there it is crazy!!!!!

Rachael is dating someone...NOT HAPPY...but I am happy for all of YOU :)

WOW!!!! I am so glad to hear about Heather!! :)

Congratulations! Heather is pregnant!

Peru is hot and my mission is soooooooo Hard!!! I now know what everyone means by it is the hardest thing they have ever done. It is killing me not knowing Spanish. I know you all thought I was a pro but the truth is I’m not. Well my companion left last week and I miss him a lot. My new companion is cool but he speaks sooooooooooooo fast!! He is from Santiago, Chile. He bugs me sometimes because it seems like he is trying really hard to be cool and make me like him but other than that it is ok. :) I am not sure how I like being the senior companion because I have no language; well very little. In retrospect I have learned soooooo much but everytime we go proselyting I feel terribly inadequate with my language.

Well not much more going on here it is pretty ‘chill’ right now. The area we went proselyting in on Saturday was way way different than my first area. It is very wealthy; well, for Peru it is. But it is very different. Well anyway the mission is fine I am getting homesick for things and have not received any letters yet but it is ok it is passing slowly. :) Spanish is a big obstacle but I know it will pass. :)
It was great hearing from all of you :) I was glad to hear things are ok and was glad to hear from MOM Feller, Feller and Grandma B. Keep the emails circulating!! Make sure they are getting to mom feller it is grinmakr@yahoo.com I think? Check on that one. Keep them going around!!

Oh and I think a great name for the new baby :) is Jett Spencer Michael Morgan :)

So it is all good here. Spanish Spanish Spanish I do not have my 'regular' (non-email)address with me but I will send it out again next week. If you have it please circulate it!!

I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all is going well for you :) stay strong and keep the faith!! :)

Love Elder Jett Hudson

04 March 2009

A Note about Letters and packages:

Everything is good here keep the encouragement coming!!

By the way it is faster to send the letters with a 92 cent stamp by air mail here but I only have three weeks left; so the mission home is the best address to use. Packages are expensive to pick up but it will be easier in the field. In three weeks send them to the mission home. :)

Love- Elder Mark J Troy Hudson III, Jett

Email - 4 March 2009

Hola Everyone!!

How is everyone doing? Wow, sounds like quite the week. More exciting than mine possibly. Well today my companion left and he is amazing!! Last night during companionship prayer he just prayed and prayed for ME. It was a special experience. He was crying and just told me how thankful he was for me and gave a letter which he wrote in English what an effort. He is a great missionary and a great friend very selfless and giving.

Today I got to tour Lima!! It was so cool. I bought a Peru soccer jersey a bag with a llama on it and a zip hoodie made from alpaca it was so sweet!! We had pizza hut today too YES!!! Well on Saturday me and Elder Nicho contacted José again and gave him a three liter bottle of water and a mandarin orange. It was so sad. He has nothing. When we saw him he was cramming leaves into his mouth because he has nothing else... you should have seen him eat that mandarin!! I think there is some confusion with José, he is a member but is inactive because of his condition. But the members of the ward there are working together to get him to church this Sunday! :)

The mission is great and I am loving it!! I got to see an ancient olive tree orchard today and we talked a lot about Jacob 5 in El Libro de Mormón. It was amazing to see the press they use for the oil. All in all it was an amazing day. We went to the beach and saw the Pacific Ocean too. It is weird to think in the summer I was swimming in the same ocean in Cali.

Anyways the mission is great and everything is awesome.

Last Friday was tough when we lost one of our missionaries. He went home because of some emotional problems but they plan on him returning. It was tough on the district, of which I am the district leader; sorry I didn’t mention that earlier :) It may change now with new districts rooms and missionaries. It has been a good experience though.

Everyone hang in there at home!! I love all of you more than you know!!! Keep the e-mails coming!! ;) I love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Elder Jett Hudson

25 February 2009

First Proselyting Trip

Hola Famlilia!!

I am glad to see that all of you decided to write me this week! I was very excited to read what you all had to say and you all had...nothing! What is up with that? I get one day a week and you give me nada? Ok now that the chastisement is over, how are you all doing??!! I miss you all very much!!

It is good here in Peru still nice and hot siempre. [siempre: always; all the time] Hoy [hoy: today] I went to the Interpol service place thing, and had to get all my fingerprints taken and my teeth looked at. I have to have residency to stay here and those are some of the requirements.

Well like I have said before, here they just get right into the swing of things. On Saturday we went proselyting to the city of Cinineguilla and boy what a culture shock. The people here live in nothing. It is all dirt and there are gross stray dogs running everywhere and garbage. It was very strange. Most of the houses were just thatched together with woven lattice type stuff and some plywood. They are not really protected from the environments at all either. They don’t really have roofs and no windows; it is all just open. Our first family we taught had been inactive for 7 years. She and her husband work all the time and have three kids; the youngest is three. She was very unresponsive to our teachings and did not have much to say. However it was very interesting still because it was just an awkward situation. Even more interesting was during the lesson at least three separate times she whipped out her breasts and started feeding her youngest. Wow talk about awkward and strange... so we made it through that crisis and started talking with people trying to find our next house. We talked to a woman who had never heard of the church before. We committed her to reading the Book of Mormon and to going to church!! It was cool. Our last contact of the day was the most touching experience I have ever had. His name is José and he lives in a dirt floor shack in the back of someone’s house. He has one tiny light and a camp stove. This place is like a camp site with a roof. This man is about 4 ft tall and is 95 yrs old. He lives there all alone and he has no teeth. He is nearly blind and deaf. We offered him a blessing and he accepted. He told us a little about his life there. He cannot go to church because he cannot make it all the way down to the church, it is about 20 min walk, and he is physically unable. He cannot work; he had no money and no food or water. I gave him my water bottle and we talked with him some more. It was very hard to understand him because he is so old and he has no teeth. He is a very nice old man and continued to tell us that he cannot eat anything and all he gets is soup form the lady everyday; maybe twice a day if he is lucky. All the clothes he has are on his back, and no one in the pueblo is able to help. My heart cried for this man. Never in my life had I seen anything like it. He thanked us many times, and as we went to leave he thanked us again and began to cry. We were the only visitors he has had in two years. I felt sad and sick... it was an amazing experience and I loved it but every day since I have thought about José and how alone he is and just his situation. The conditions are awful.

Anyways everything else is great!! Please write!! I love you all so so so so so so much!!! Please forward to everyone!! Make sure Grandma Blackwell is in the loop.

I Love you all!! I hope your birthday was a good one Hannah!! I love you.

Elder JETT Hudson

18 February 2009

hola familia!

Greetings from the HOT and humid; no snow here. It is beautiful and totally different being in this environmemt. Today is preparation day which is why I am writimg you:)

Troy Note: I asked Jett about when he receives letters and emails...

On the letters, I can get letters anytime but they only send them out once a week. (Pouch Mail goes out once per week) I e-mail once a week and honestly the spanish is wracking my brain so hard I dont think about much else than what is happening in the mission. Here they just throw you right into it.

I have taught two discussions a day with my companion for the last week and even have to teach one tonight! Talk about pressure and frustration woo!! I get so frustrated because I have so much to say and want to share and I just don't have the ability. It is ok. With patience, hard work and a HUGE blessing from the Lord, I know I will learn spanish. It is frustrating at the moment but I know it will pass.

Today I went to the temple here in Lima. What an experience!! We had 23 Latinos receive their endowments today!! I woke up at five and didn't get back until 2. It was amazing going through a session in spanish though. I am so glad I went to the temple as much as possible gefore I left! I understood what was happeneing and going on the whole time; I just can not pronounce any of the words. :) haha However I was lucky enough to have my companion receiving his endowment today. I was his escort. :) It was a great experience; the spirit was so strong and from the moment I saw the temple to the very end I was fighting tears. It is amazing to see the lord's work fulfilled and the people here receiving the sacred ordinances and making important commitments. The people here are incredible!! It was amazing.

Afterwards, because it took so long, we had to walk back, in the heat, in suits for 20 min. It was HOT! It was a very eye opening experience to walk through the city. I bought a bottle of water in spanish. The stores are just so different. It is such a different way of life here. So far I have eaten octopus, yes seafood, and well the rest of the menu consisits of rice and chicken and potatoes... always. It is good though. The rice is way better than anything in th US and I have not been sick!! :)

So the CCM (Peru MTC?) is great. We had a devotional last night and I had to sing in a trio a song that one of the latinos in my room wrote for everyone and a member of the 70, in spanish of course. Wow that was different. It was just a tune with words. No music or anything. It went well but everything here is just so different!

Thank you for the up date on In-n-Out! (In-N-Out is looking in to having a restaurant in Draper. http://www.sltrib.com/ci_11683841/) I wore my t-shirt last night and everyone was like, "ah! I love In-N-Out. I miss it!!" It is good to know that they are wise enough to think of their biggest fan :)

I played my first game of soccer in probably about six years. I am not too bad. In fact I even had a goal, and I even kinda like soccer... I know I said it. Well my time here is short and I have more I want to say but it will have to wait.

Thank you all for all the love and support. I love you all so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!! I hope to hear from you soon in a letter but if not there is always next week :) I love you ALL!

Much love!!

Elder Hudson

Troy Note: For those who did not know, Jett and I drove 300 miles to St George so we could eat at the In-N-Out Burger joint there. I bought him an In-N-Out Burger T-Shirt.